Embodiment Coach, Healer & Transformational Facilitator Hannah Elledge

Hannah Elledge is an Embodiment Coach, Healer & Transformational Facilitator whose mission is to make sure every woman on this planet knows how access & express her sacred wisdom, use her voice to its fullest potential and stand in her truth in order to harness the full power of her heart and share it with the world. She helps people cultivate lifestyles that are in integrity with their unique soul blueprint & serve our planets’ highest good. Her unique approach weaves together feminine-masculine rebalancing, embodiment, emotional release, nervous system repatterning, play, body-based modalities, and integrates regenerative earth-based wisdom, so that we can each live our lives as fully activated beings rippling this healing out into the world, bringing our planet into balance, harmony & wellness. She sees a world of sisters living in lusciousness, allyship & full ownership of their beauty, power, & truth. She sees a world where men & women live in deep honor, reverence & partnership with one another, juiciness dripping from our souls and experiencing the radiance that comes from being met deeply & loved to the core. You can find her at The Temple of Sacred Arts in Seattle.