Heart Archaeologist Stefanie Ellis

Stefanie Ellis is the host of the Heartbreak Hotel Retreat, an award-winning journalist, public speaker and heart-based PR professional who has worked for some of the country’s most notable Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations. She spent her career dreaming up magical, outside-the-box events that stop people in their tracks and get them to talk about what they’re experiencing. Whether closing downtown Seattle streets during lunch rush so a lemon queen can deliver cupcakes to the crowd alongside a yellow fire truck led by an all-female crew, to asking big-name fashion designers to create couture inspired by iconic snacks, she thrives in creating a sense of wonder that leads to important dialogues about how to create positive change. Her work with one of the largest girl and women-led nonprofits in the world led to some game-changing partnerships with female leaders because she believes that when women share their gifts with the world, the world changes. She also believes that when women share their hearts with each other, true healing happens, which is why she built a brand dedicated to creating transformative, heart-expanding opportunities focused on helping women heal from broken hearts. For a look at some of her creative projects, click here.