Who Do You Trust With Your Heart?

As a journalist, I ask people big questions all the time, but it’s rare that I also ask myself the same ones. So I’m asking both of us: who do you trust with your heart when it comes to sharing what’s inside?

Because trust is such a complex and big subject, often with immense trauma attached to it, I’m not asking you in the way someone might ask you that about a potential romantic partner, or even a family member. I’m asking for a friend: ME. Who do you trust to listen to you about your journey? A therapist, maybe? A close friend? Maybe you talk to your pet, because we all know they understand us and love us unconditionally way better than humans. But what about strangers who also have broken hearts and know how you feel perhaps better than most?

You don’t know me. So why should you join my community? What do I know about love or heartbreak that you don’t?

The short answer: Because we both know different things about heartbreak, I can offer a perspective you might not have. I want to listen to you so you feel heard and know you’re not alone. I’ve studied grief and sadness for years. I’ve read books and articles, listened to podcasts, watched documentaries, and worked with somatic healers and therapists to understand the ways in which pain manifests in our bodies, minds and hearts. I have experiences with complicated grief and high-functioning depression, and I’ve developed a lot of tools that have aided in my healing. Though I’m not a therapist or trained counselor, being a journalist in love with people’s stories has prepared me for serving others, holding space for their grief, and creating transformative experiences that change them in some way.

Besides having an imperfectly healed broken heart, I’m a public speaker and heart-based PR professional who has worked for some of the country’s most notable Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations. I’ve spent my career dreaming up magical, outside-the-box events that stop people in their tracks and get them to talk to each other about what they’re experiencing. My work with one of the largest girl and women-led nonprofits in the world led to some game-changing partnerships with female leaders because I believe, wholeheartedly, that when women share their gifts with the world, the world changes.

I also believe that when women share their hearts with each other, true healing happens, which is why I’m thrilled to create transformative, heart-expanding opportunities focused on helping women heal from broken hearts. For a look at some of my media segments and PR events, click here.

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